The Writing

Life happens pretty quickly these days. Before we have a chance to analyze what just happened, we're already on to the next thing. It's probably important to slow up the train sometimes, pull out our magnifying glasses and take a closer look at what life is really trying to tell us. And there are probably great writers who can help us understand just what it is exactly that we are to make of all of it. I am not one of those writers. Instead I prefer to speed along ever faster and make inane observations of things I barely have left myself time to understand. If that sort of thing appeals to you then please to enjoy what you find below.

Dreaming of a Better Sheep

You know what they should say about thinking: if you’re unable to do it for yourself there will always be somebody else to do it for you, or more correctly you’ll always be somebody else’s dupe.

I’d say, in general, the people I interact with daily, don’t view things the same way as the governments and the medias. Yet, one could get the impression that we have all lost our mind, and that’s the problem with the ignorant. They’re always the most judgemental and the loudest. Turns out it only takes about 20 million of them or so to convince the other 7 billion people that 20 million is a majority.

The media is like life’s channel. The program that connects us all and lets us know that we are not alone and that the same thing is expected of us all. Not by saying expected but by demonstrating repeatedly how one behaves and ridiculing those who don’t behave accordingly.

The purveyors are not what’s important. What is important is the effect it has on human beings. A literal flock who’s best doctrine yet was the falsity of mass religion and the many problems that created. It at least saved them from the influence of any earthly being that contradicted their commandments. Now any ignorant entity has that same influence. The influence of a God.

Millions of sheep able to be convinced of whatever perfect rhetoric at any time with none of the defenses of religion to help them. Just their innate morals, which as we can see are mostly aligned with what one can get away with under man’s laws. Because there are no other laws left.

There’s nowhere else to look for help but to hope most sheep still cling to something else; something principled. That they truly have no current representation in this world and that’s why we haven’t heard from them yet. But that we will hear from them and when we do, the first thing we will notice is that they are angry and not willing to take it anymore. And that they number in the billions.