The Writing

Life happens pretty quickly these days. Before we have a chance to analyze what just happened, we're already on to the next thing. It's probably important to slow up the train sometimes, pull out our magnifying glasses and take a closer look at what life is really trying to tell us. And there are probably great writers who can help us understand just what it is exactly that we are to make of all of it. I am not one of those writers. Instead I prefer to speed along ever faster and make inane observations of things I barely have left myself time to understand. If that sort of thing appeals to you then please to enjoy what you find below.

Or One Might Not

Humans are interesting creatures.

Always preferring to choose what is easy over what is hard.

It’s impossible to be surrounded by these creatures the whole of ones life, and to be one of these very same creatures, and not understand the decisions one faces and the desire to choose the easy path oneself, and not see clearly that the majority of those in ones company, have faced and chosen similarly.

And maybe even to suppose that the easy choice is in fact, the righteous choice.

Until, perhaps, those decisions lead where they most often do, and worse decisions made to assuage them and worse again until one is left to wonder if the weight of ones own human condition is enough to flatten one where one stands.

At which point one might decide the other choice; that one one has always had before oneself; to be the solution, hard as it once seemed.

One might see it as a matter of course. As one who sits too close to the flame hopes to be burnt only the once.

It might be strange then, in ones surroundings of creatures, to not still and even more pointedly perhaps, take note of the ever present smell of cooking flesh co-mingling with the smell of misery. And hear the constant churn of new decisions. Each one always the easy one, more hastily applied then the last.

And one may wonder if in a previous life one needn’t be actually burnt to a crisp for that outcome to seem so obviously unwelcome this time around.