the rob norton

the rob

the rob norton


the rob norton

Welcome to the website. Whether you've dropped by for a daily dose of our words of wisdom. To take a look at some of our trending photos and videos. To listen to some of our 'award winning potential' audio. Or even to view some of our painfully unfunny comics. You have made a life altering decision, if not a terrible mistake. We cheer on your survival from the sidelines and hope you joyfully endure your time with us. The website is intended to act as a digital scrapbook for the purpose of recording any and all half baked creative ideas worth exploring. Although it is presently more like a large book with only one chapter - and a rather lousy one at that, keep checking back, for this will someday resemble an entire lousy book - or my name is not the rob norton.

The Writing

Writing is the meat and potatoes in the rob norton stew and much of it can be found just by looking around the site but from time to time it's nice to write about things other than the website and even though that hasn't worked out so well recently, writing is truly the creative endeavour that started it all. The wooden spoon that stirs the stew so to speak, but also the meat and the potato too.

So it's fair to say that it's just about the whole meal and the utensils, pot, spoon, table I suppose and bowl.... I guess it might be best said that without language, we simply couldn't provide you any of these tortures at all. We need these words to stage your escape room. To set up all the clues and what not or whatever it is that people keep in escape rooms. Then we simply lock the doors and don't look back.

Your fault for walking into an escape room. But as long as we have you here, please to enjoy some of our writing, which would be best thought of as clues necessary for your survival.

Dreaming of a Better Sheep

You know what they should say about thinking: if you’re unable to do it for yourself there will always be somebody else to do it for you, or more correctly you’ll always be somebody else’s dupe.

I’d say, in general, the people I interact with daily, don’t view things the same way as the governments and the medias. Yet, one could get the impression that we have all lost our mind, and that’s the problem with the ignorant. They’re always the most judgemental and the loudest. Turns out it only takes about 20 million of them or so to convince the other 7 billion people that 20 million is a majority.

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The Photography

Photography is our specialty, specifically residential and commercial real estate photography which you can see more of by clicking here, but this website is dedicated to my other photography. The sort you'd usually have to pay large sums of money to see in some of the worlds odder galleries.

Whether it's mundane household articles, animals; stuffed or otherwise, toys; stuffed or otherwise or simply unstuffed unmundane non household articles, the rob norton has got you covered with a myriad of photographs of everything & nothing and most things in between.

So take a look around the site, we are constantly updating our content, and see what it is you most dislike but before you leave make sure to take a look at some of my most recent photography projects right here.

UPDATE: Good news the rob norton groupies! New photo content will be coming over the next few months. This time for real. The Photography is our most neglected section and we are getting on it.

Our video selection is in every way sufficient enough to meet the definition of sufficiency. However, be forwarned that they will in no way exceed that definition. And why would they? At the rob norton, we have very clearly identified a handful of truisms throughout our life, with few so true as the overwhelming power of lowered expectations.

Give our video selection a look if you dare, they may not make you physically ill. You have our maybe on that.

Things don't get wronger than wrong: unless they get wronger - and that's exactly how wrong our audio always gets. But not always. Often its just wrong, which as everyone knows, is as wrong as it gets.

So join us in flipping the big middle bird at everything that is right, and feeding the helpless little bird, the good bird, to that which is wrong.

The Design

Catch up on The Ongoing Conflict of Zombie & Ghost and other comics or check out some of our fancy Website Designs. Or choose to torture yourself in different ways. Holding your breath for 10 minutes sounds like fun. Maybe try that instead.


The Reviews

Selling a business can be stressful. When it came time to bring in a photographer, Rob Norton understood the process we were going through and made the shoot a breeze. When we saw the photos we were even happier. I'd recommend his services to anyone.

-Sam Welke, Bar Owner

I have always admired Rob Norton for his affable manner and wonderful photography. I've even enjoyed his writing. But these comics are truly puzzling. Are they supposed to be funny? I would stop doing those, if I were him. I find them to be just terrible.

-Tim Breard, Count 4 Designs