The Video

This is our video page. While audio podcasts were the way of the past, video is the way of the future. And though it has been said many times that I have a great face for radio, it is simply too much fun filming aimless videos that constantly showcase my enormous mug. Please to not thank me for that. That one's all compliments of the Sky Gringo. As are the rambling nothings that follow. As with every creative endeavour here at the rob norton, the goal is not only to show off just how terrible our creations are, but also just how horrible they once were. Yay to the celebration of incremental improvement. As always, please to let this serve as your warning: you most simply will not enjoy that which follows. Enjoy!

We're all Stupid, Only Some are Pharmacists

This one's just mean, really. I wasn't trying to be mean, just have a laugh. And I did. And it was worth editing a laugh. Sort of liked the split screen effect. Had food on both sides at one point but it didn't really make any sense. Thought if the food would emote somehow, well then I might have something. Then suddenly there was time spent designing an emotive potato and then...well at that point this video was a keeper. Mean or not, there's an emoting potato, just like in Citezen Kane, most likely.

Thats What its Like - Tim Hortons

This bout of brilliance arrives with the declaration that it is the first in a new series that promises to take a shallow look into life's deep pool in search of an answer to a question as old as time itself: what is it like? With the endless amount of things that surround us in every direction, the possible experiences and answers are limitless, making this the simplest format imaginable for endless, aimless wastes of time. Which means our latest entries opening salvo should be fully realized but most likely will not be as it would be just too darn easy and we are just too darn stupid. Or are we?

A Man of Many Nothings

Loosely, by which we mean not at all, inspired by the Drew Barrymore film 'Riding in Cars with Boys'. this motorized deep dive into the world of man and machine carries the hidden tagline 'Guy in Car won't Shut Up' and aims to not only bore all who dare view it but also punish any such attempt by seemingly never starting but certainly never seeming to end. It's pointlessness should in no way, at any time, be rewarded however Nomadland reccently won a boatload of Oscars for offering up the same aimless premise, so we have prepared a speech just in case.

Work from Woods

In this particular free range roam about, our hero is caught unawares, with one foot in and the other just outside of worklife at all but upon its nagging by the vibrations toll, both feet are pulled, nay splayed, even further akimbo and again, the work bells tug upon the cuff and again, until to stand, alas not be torn asunder, a retreat from the retreat is made until a plummeting thud resounds upon thy masters gate.

Loudax Rides Again

Whereupon a journey is made as it is so often made from one end of the sprawling ruin to the other, with a nanoseconds real time caught accurately unless chance sees it not going as it always does or should or god willing will and time instead stops as the last of your time streaches out forever and for never again, but in a nanosecond until THAT time with time like every day for food, for drink for work and pleasure and from it, as to it, a home.


Where a stroll in the woods turns into a stroll in the rain, and then in the torrents of rain until a direction is changed, a full retreat made, in deference to the elements but not deferentially enough as soon becomes apparent in the quiet moments after the first deluge that portends the coming storm and with it a nearly over zealous deferation ad infinitum.