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Category Archives: the news

Death, Obfuscation & Democracy: How the MSM Manipulates Reality

When is news about Ukraine, not about Ukraine?

After weeks of covering the Freedom Convoy in Canada with headlines continually signalling its inappropriateness by referring to it as “so called”, our MSM has turned it’s attention to a new story: the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. This story comes about at just the right time for our members of the press, our “so called” journalists, as it has all the elements a good MSM story needs.

Firstly it may, possibly, which in journalistic speak can be reported: certainly, involve one or many persons DYING. And this is exceedingly important, as so much valuable time has been spent in the last few years making sure that everyone understands: death is not acceptable. It was with great effort and the complete removal of logic that this sentiment was finally accepted as being beyond reproach. It is extremely important and truly astounding that they were able to do so, what with the truth being exactly the opposite: death is inevitable. It’s occurrence is based on many factors that run the gamut from sheer chance to elevated risk. Yet with the power of human emotion and an almost worldwide desire to not die, they have been able to make it so: we say death, you get hysterical.

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The Vote

It is truly impossible to overstate the importance of the vote that is going to be taking place later today regarding Justin Trudeau’s attempt to enact the Emergencies Act, and equally impossible to over stress the Canadian Press’s complicity in allowing this vote to even be considered. If the MSM or legacy medias so called ‘journalists’ were interested in doing their job, they would be fighting tooth and nail to expose the truths and possible consequences of this Acts potential passing and they would be holding Trudeau responsible for his actions.

The fact that they don’t do their job is why there is so much disinformation in Canada. Their complete dereliction of duty is the only way a government and our Prime Minister can run so roughshod over an entire countries Charter of Rights, without once being asked just what the hell they are doing, by the press. The press are an integral part of a democratic society exactly because they provide the checks and balances that assure a government be held responsible to it’s people. The press’s job is not to decide which governmental policy to support but to report on policy and prevent government overreach. Not one journalist throughout the history of the press, would even pretend that being in bed with the government is a possibility, while fulfilling one’s job as a member of the press.

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The Laity


that which is true in accordance with fact or reality


an acceptance that a statement is true or that something exists


complete trust or confidence in someone or something

strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based
on spiritual apprehension rather than proof

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The Landscape

Braving a few minutes on Twitter the other day, I came across a tweet from a fellow that read as follows: I don’t live in Canada and would like to know what’s really going on up there. It seemed a pretty fair question. Obviously in the modern world, one doesn’t have to physically live in any country to find out information about what is taking place there. However, as anyone who has been paying attention for the past 6 years has noticed, there is no media coverage that can be trusted to deliver the truth and even more striking, there seems no impetus to do so.

On the one hand the mainstream media (MSM) has stopped believing in delivering unbiased news and has chosen the model of persuading society for their own benefit, as to what to believe. In this pursuit of the protection of society from truths that may be harmful to societies health, it is apparently not so large a step to spreading lies for the same reason. And so we’ve spent the last 6 years reading articles in our countries newspapers, or watching and listening to our mainstream media sources report on only those things that extend their agenda and, not just ignoring inconvenient truths, but outright lying about those truths.

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