When is news about Ukraine, not about Ukraine?
After weeks of covering the Freedom Convoy in Canada with headlines continually signalling its inappropriateness by referring to it as “so called”, our MSM has turned it’s attention to a new story: the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. This story comes about at just the right time for our members of the press, our “so called” journalists, as it has all the elements a good MSM story needs.
Firstly it may, possibly, which in journalistic speak can be reported: certainly, involve one or many persons DYING. And this is exceedingly important, as so much valuable time has been spent in the last few years making sure that everyone understands: death is not acceptable. It was with great effort and the complete removal of logic that this sentiment was finally accepted as being beyond reproach. It is extremely important and truly astounding that they were able to do so, what with the truth being exactly the opposite: death is inevitable. It’s occurrence is based on many factors that run the gamut from sheer chance to elevated risk. Yet with the power of human emotion and an almost worldwide desire to not die, they have been able to make it so: we say death, you get hysterical.