The Writing

Life happens pretty quickly these days. Before we have a chance to analyze what just happened, we're already on to the next thing. It's probably important to slow up the train sometimes, pull out our magnifying glasses and take a closer look at what life is really trying to tell us. And there are probably great writers who can help us understand just what it is exactly that we are to make of all of it. I am not one of those writers. Instead I prefer to speed along ever faster and make inane observations of things I barely have left myself time to understand. If that sort of thing appeals to you then please to enjoy what you find below.

The Laity


that which is true in accordance with fact or reality


an acceptance that a statement is true or that something exists


complete trust or confidence in someone or something

strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based
on spiritual apprehension rather than proof

It is an interesting truth in our current society that many things can be easily defined by simply typing your query into a search engine and, as long as you avoid Wikipedia, quickly being presented with a suitable definition. This however does not hold true for the query: how do you know what is true. Depending on where you search, you will find a wide variety of definitions generally dealing with the distinctions between different types of truth. For example, what is objectivity versus subjectivity, but no suitable definition to the question. I think, considering how important truth IS, that this should be one of the most well defined concepts we have and that whatever algorithms are being used to spit out these results should be tweaked until this query is able to return a proper definition in response. Granted, this will never be the case on Google, where for example, searching for the trucker convoy continued to return zero results over the initial few days. Regardless, while I am not the one qualified to define how we find the truth, I have long understood that the first tenet of truth is that it must always be allowed to be challenged. No human is infallible. No human truth can be accepted as infallible. Challenging truth not only exposes a truth that may be false OR strengthens our justification for holding it to be true BUT also raises that truth above an idea that is simply accepted and believed to be truth, to that which is fully understood by all who hold it to be true. Therefore I submit that this definition or one more eloquent be officially accepted and accredited to all those who have understood it and previously helped us to define it for this purpose. Because at this current time we are witnessing the complete denial of truth, even as something that is inconvenient. We are witnessing the full scale substitution of faith for truth.

Believing that something is true, while understanding that it’s truth cannot be proven is faith. Believing something is true while not understanding how it is true is also faith, but not in the truth not being provable, but in those that have told you it is true. By not allowing truth to be challenged debated or even discussed, the institutions that purport themselves to be the Protectors of the People: the MSM & government, are reframing the quest for truth into an issue of faith and converting those amongst us who trust them, into believers. And those of us who prioritize truths, into dangerous heretics. Despite the growing number of doctors, scientists and reams of data behind them, that have recently spoken up and pointed out that these vaccines are in no way tested enough to be proven to be safe, nor effective in any meaningful way against the spread of Covid and may in fact already be demonstrating worrisome, sometimes fatal, side effects in those that have had them administered: not one piece of this data has even been acknowledged by the politicians who continue to admonish us to ‘follow the science’. Meanwhile they continue to offer us no scientific data of their own and instead have spent the last 2 years suppressing the release of public data in an effort to quash ‘misinformation.’ It goes without saying that policy needs to be made with as much information as possible. Not to stifle as much information as possible

“The cruelty of making masks optional is immeasuarable.” – John Bracey, tweeter

As you scroll through the tweets on either side of the ‘convoy protests’ it can, at first, seem very confusing to see all of the hatred directed towards those who will not except what is currently held as true by these institutions. Until you realize that those of us who are seeking for answers in the fight to protect our freedom, are not just questioning the Rational of those who follow the MSM , but indeed their very Faith. Not just their right to believe what they believe, but the very righteousness and unquestionable certainty of their beliefs. While it is indeed the responsibility of every human to think for themselves, it is not currently, nor has it ever been, the truth that every one can. It is because of this fact that we have Liberal governments and a press that protects and informs the population to begin with. Both of these institutions know this and consider it one of the prime interests of their existence, if not the sole reason for their existence. So to watch them use this inherent human failing against society by removing truth from the conversation Entirely and pushing only their dogma as Faith and those who disagree as heretics, is truly the most irresponsible action either of these institutions could undertake.

In the midst of this struggle between the believers and the heretics over the right to freedom, the US Vice President Kamal Harris sent out a tweet stating as fact, that ‘You are 16 times more likely to be hospitalized if you are unvaccinated’, with NO evidence linked to support it. She knew she didn’t need it. She is not even pretending it’s about truth anymore. This was their hand being shown, aggressively, sneeringly. They were letting us know: we will not be questioned, because we do not accept that we are being questioned. This truth, this fundamental truth: that human beings have rights and liberties, and that those rights and liberties are being completely ignored, is not an actual concern. There will be no moment where this truth will gain ground. We will continue to eliminate all dissenters of the Faith, with the assistance of our police and military and you can hear all about these wonderful victories through our state sanctioned press.

Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau, after weeks of either ignoring the issue or calling those fighting for it racists extremists, accordingly followed the new rules and played the same hand. Refusing to acknowledge, in the face of overwhelming evidence, that in fact this is an issue of human rights for a great many Canadian citizens, that these were not violent insurrections; that people who stand up for rights, are not by definition Nazis, he simply pushed all his chips in. And made his position clear: We do not accept that these issues have been raised. Going forward, all protesters of covid policy will be considered terrorists and will be beaten and arrested and their bank accounts frozen, as will all non state approved and funded journalists attempting to cover this sedition. Anyone, who in anyway otherwise supports these protests or denounces the government reaction, will face the same consequences as dangerous enemies to the state. On the Thursday night before he sent the police out to start rounding up all dissenting citizens, he tweeted an announcement: a new booster has arrived in Canada! And ended his tweet with:

“If you haven’t gotten vaccinated yet, now’s the time.” – Justin Trudeau, comedian?

Again, if you hadn’t been following along, you might think this was the densest individual you had yet come across. Doesn’t he realize there is a world wide resistance going on as we speak. Riot cops quelling dissenters on his very doorstep? How can he tweet out something that makes him seem completely oblivious to reality? Of course we know why: to these governments and their MSM, this isn’t reality. This is an irritating obstacle in moving a crusade forward. It must be dealt with by physical force and it must not otherwise be acknowledged, lest anyone find themselves considering both sides in the pursuit of the truth. And just like that, they have changed the official policy from its stated intention of following the truth, to pretending to follow the truth, to lying about what is true, and finally, to substituting the definition of faith for the definition of truth. And they continue to win. This is the point, right now: when they are telling us they are not even going to try anymore, we are just going to listen; where they have finally and spectacularly over reached. Where their message can no longer be accepted because of it’s complete denial of what we all know to be true. This is the moment we were waiting for…. And the world has responded by cheering for them. Their faith is being protected. And it is Good. As to the heretics, an eye for an eye seems appropriate. If they cast their lot in with Satan, let them lay in the beds they have made. The MSM has got it all covered for you. As the protesters were herded into smaller groups by the riot police “screams of insults and profanity filled the air” says the state sanctioned Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. If only they could have been herded into the red sea, the hate in their hardened hearts might be extinguished for good.

The MSM, whom I personally have always tried to have sympathy for as misdirected fools who fail with the best of intentions and lowest of intellects, are no longer deserving of any sympathy at all. They are as completely unprincipled as the government. To treat a human beings right to choose as though it is an issue that has not even been raised, to treat the fight for bodily autonomy as the selfish whinging of extreme radicals, to believe that discussing truths is an insurgency against society and to support the belief that the Real fight is for the removal of truth itself, is beyond contemptible. And this moment is their most glorious moment yet. The page in the playbook has been flipped. Faith only needs belief. Only the heretics demands truth. How much worse it can get from here is anybody’s guess because the rules have been shifted so far. History is rife with examples of what happens when Faith is accepted as truth. The Inquisitions lasted for hundreds of years. They were also faith masquerading as unquestionable truth. But that was hundreds of years ago. Today, right now, they can still physically beat you down and strip you of your livelihood with complete impunity and without ‘witness’, but they can now share their techniques and propagandas to their fellow believers in real time and there is nowhere possible for you to hide.

And this entire situation, as we all well know, has been based since day one, on the stated desire to protect society. Yet instantly our freedoms started to erode. Families and friends were separated, jobs were lost, whole industries brought to their knees. We were asked to spy on our neighbours to ensure compliance and solitude. We were masked and herded like sheep as we tried to venture outside to keep our families supplied with the essential goods we need to survive, with the dwindling reserve of our savings. And then again and again we were shut down and sent home, many of us alone and jobless, while experimental vaccines were mandated and noncompliance punished with insults and slurs form the our governments and the MSM and their followers, and with all future hopes of social interaction disappearing along with all hopes for humanity. Is this the society that we were trying to protect? Against a virus with less than 1% fatality rate, using a vaccine that doesn’t vaccinate. And masks that study after study prove do not work. This is the plan they have enacted to create so much fear in society that people forget all pretense to thought and become strict adherents to their doctrine? And it Worked?! In many ways, it is this first and last point that brings me some small shred of hope for the future. While it looks like we are still a few million years away from a truly evolved human species, the very thing that makes the current situation so terrifying, is the one thing that might save it. If we can’t get them to care about truth, it is possible, with nothing but fear and rhetoric, to instantly change what they believe. And while not optimal, it may be the only way the rest of us get out of this mess alive. But I’m open to other suggestions.